Club subscriptions for the 2023/24 season are due from 1st April. The annual subscription remains at £20. Please can all members ensure that payment is made prior to 31st May 2023.
As usual, to avoid handling cash, we request that you make every effort to pay by BACS transfer directly to the club account – this has not changed from previous years, if you do not kmow the details please contact the Treasurer for them. Please use your name as a reference.
Please note that to encourage prompt payment club policy has changed, and as from 31st May access to club-run social media, eg WhatsApp and Strava will no longer be available to those that have not paid subs. NEW potential members starting to ride with us during the year will be granted temporary access.
To ensure that nobody is incorrectly cut off, it is ESSENTIAL that you send a SMS text or WhatsApp message to the club treasurer, Andy Quickfall confirming your payment, together with your full name. Your mobile phone number will be checked from the message sent, so you MUST use the phone that you use for access to WhatsApp to send this message.
I hope we can all look forward to another great year at the club and many happy cycling miles!