Club subscriptions for the 2021 season are now due. Membership remains £20 per annum and runs from April 2021 to April 2022. Thank you to those that have already reached out/paid subs since the return to activity.
Please note that due to reduced activity and the absence of our usual social events the club only spent a limited amount last year (affiliations being the main cost). Therefore, for those members that paid in 2020 we have decided to roll over membership into 2021 and you don’t need to do anything. Current membership for 2021 stands at 96 people.
For data protection reasons we are unable to publish a list of paid members so if you are unsure please reach out to Dan or Lindsey and we will be happy to check the bank account/club register to confirm.
If you wish to pay your subs please transfer £20 to the club current account (unchanged from previous years), if you do not have the details reach out to a member of the committee and we will be happy to provide these to you. When making the transfer please include your name as the reference and also drop Dan/Lindsey a message (probably better to do privately to avoid excess traffic in the club WhatsApp) so we can update the register.
If unable to do electronic transfer then you can pay your subs to a member of the committee when out on a club ride and they will arrange for this to be transferred over and recorded.
As ever if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Let’s hopefully have a better summer this year and fingers crossed this is a one-way street out of lockdown!